Patty went snorkeling and loved it, and went on several other shore excursions as well! She is a bit sunburned but feeling good. She comes home Saturday night, and the puppies and I miss her terribly. You think you would enjoy being a bachelor for a week until it strikes home that you are alone in the house and you cannot even hear the voice of the one you love! (No cell service on cruise ships...)
I installed Half-Life on my system, patched to , figured out a few problems and have it working well. EXCEPT that in multiplayer I have no sound. Bother. I'm probably gonna skip the multiplayer aspect of Half-Life anyway, because out of 2500 servers on the WON network, NONE were playing Half-Life original - all were playing alternate versions or later mods, like Code Blue or Counter-Strike. Ah well.
It turns out that by switching video modes worked fine to fix the problem I was having where the menu was a blank screen if I accessed it from a game, and the sound problem in multiplayer went away when I disabled one of the advanced sound modes, so all is good. I still get dizzy playing it though. I dropped it to 1024x768 so perhaps that will be better.