Saturday, November 02, 2002

I just put the cover on the pool - wow. That takes a lot out of you, no wonder the professionals charge $150 - $250 for it. If I had to do it for someone else, $200 might not be enough! Carried all the pool toys, floats, recliners, lawn chairs, and pool tools to the garage and put them into storage until spring. I think that's everything, maybe I can relax a bit now.

Patty just reminded me that the waffles I put into the toaster over an hour ago have popped and cooled off... That is what comes of 'just a quick check of email' while they are toasting. :)

I have the demos for 'Unreal Tournament 2003' and 'No One Lives Forever 2', and hope to be able to install them and get in some playtest time this weekend.

I also need to do the research on all of the candidates for the elections Tuesday. I will be voting a straight ICC line, voting for any of the candidates who are pro-ICC, regardless of party affilation. (ICC is the Inter-County Connector, for those who are wondering.)